- macOS 如何在全屏 App 或拥挤的桌面间便捷拖动文件 - 少数派。不使用第三方软件的文件拖动技巧。
- A serious bug in GCC | Andrzej’s C++ blog. Destructor not invoked when exception thrown in constructor/initializer
- Prepack · Partial evaluator for JavaScript. Expand computations at compile-time.
- Put your Electron app on a diet with Electrino – DailyJS – Medium. It provides a framework similar with Electron but with less size by reusing system web browser engine.
- Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses? : programming。 It prevents JSON hijacking .
- 云风的 BLOG: 用 gdb 分析 coredump 的一些技巧. Gdb 以及 skynet 和 lua C 层调试技巧和一些底层介绍。
- email - Mail Rules using JavaScript for Automation instead of AppleScript - Stack Overflow
function performMailActionWithMessages(messages) {
messages.forEach( function(message) { // if you want to iterate
- Flinthook:动静结合的Roguelite佳作 - 知乎专栏
- 【敖厂长】让你耳朵怀孕的FC游戏_单机游戏_游戏_哔哩哔哩. 使用扩展芯片有着出色 8bit 音乐的 FC 游戏。也是款不错的平台游戏,good ending 达成条件有些变态。
- TestDrive/README.md at master · JohnSundell/TestDrive · GitHub. Playground of any Swift pod or framework.
- GitHub - timothycrosley/hug at stackshare A python HTTP framework.
- ilovepdf, a collection of online PDF utilities.
- K6, a modern load testing tool.