I have:
- Published a new post ♯ Save Web Articles via Inoreader.
- Completed the course Game Theory.
- Read the book The Most Dangerous Game.
- 速记
- 使用自己的语言总结
- 方便寻回 (recalling)
- 定时复习
Learned many FCP shortcuts and tips here.
I read may articles about Go and Rust last week.
- The Zen of Go | Dave Cheney
- Early Impressions of Go from a Rust Programmer | TiDB
- The Rust Compilation Model Calamity | TiDB
- Channel Axioms | Dave Cheney
- amos - I want off Mr. Golang’s Wild Ride
- when you make something simple, you move complexity elsewhere.
And several about databases.
- Millions of tiny databases This paper is a real joy to read. It takes you through the thinking processes and engineering practices behind the design of a key part of the control plane for AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS): the Physalia database that stores configuration information.
- Choosing the Right Database for Your Applications Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. It is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with an easy, secure, and fast online shopping experience through strong payment and logistical support.
- Characterizing, modeling, and benchmarking RocksDB key-value workloads at Facebook
- Animagus Part 1: Introduction - Nervos Network - Medium
- 突破区块链不可能三角(五)—— 闪电网络,链下技术,以及它们的局限性 - 知乎
- 突破区块链不可能三角(六)—— 吹个关于区块链活性的哨子 - 知乎
- Digital Democracy and Governance 2.0 The term “Governance” is an umbrella term that covers ways and processes on how we coordinate on scale. How we organize our societies, define and enforce rules and make collective decisions. Today our coordination relies mostly on governments and private companies protected by enforceable laws.
- The trust machine BITCOIN has a bad reputation.
- How snippets make me more efficient at work…and dating I may seem efficient, but really, I’m just good at using snippets. Snippets are a form of text expander—they’re basically a fancy version of autocorrect, which allow you to type some small amount of text and have way more text appear.
- How to Be a Productivity Ninja: Attention management In any knowledge work job, you’re really playing two different roles at once: you’re simultaneously the “boss” and the “worker”. You’re responsible for:
- 如何管理自己的时间资产 时间是我们最重要的资产,对时间的使用和管理决定了我们的个人成长。人的注意力是有限的,我们不能将同一份时间投入到不同的事情中,一旦选择花费时间做一些事情,就不得不放弃做其他事情的可能性。如果我们能够静下
- 打造一个高度自动化的在线阅读流程,我用 Instapaper + Pinboard 做到了 注:本文参与少数派 2019 年度征文「效率有心得」赛道。 缘起 用粉丝的话来说,我一直都是 Instapaper 的白嫖粉,喜欢、享受,但不花钱。作为一个重度阅读爱好者,我至今没有买 Instapaper 或 Pocket Premium 的原因很简单,连接不
- Slack etiquette at Zapier With hundreds of employees chatting every day, Zapier’s Slack is a busy place. To keep things under some semblance of control, our People Ops team put together a guide to Slack etiquette at Zapier.
- Maximize your team. How I created an Engineering Roadmap – John Graham – Director of Software Engineering at Miles Technologies. Philadelphia area Angular and .NET developer.
- 一位匠人的中州韵——专访Rime输入法作者佛振(图灵访谈)
- 对一个匠人来说,创作一件有情调的作品,一定是出于对精湛技艺的追求。如果仅仅是为了现实目的,固然可以写出高质量的软件,代码本身却容易缺乏灵气。
- 编程的乐趣在于享受这份创造的快感:他不只是在敲代码,而是在开动脑筋调教程序,增益其所不能。
- 为什么杨振宁在唁电中说戴森该获诺奖 | 自由者戴森(上) 微信号 mrscience100 功能介绍 启蒙,探索,创造。 一年后,我去教伟大的奥本海默怎么做物理。戴森。图源:Wikipedia.
- 美媒追问湖北为何换帅,我大使回应
- 梁文道:奥斯维辛之后,我们还能写诗吗?
- 关笑天 (@a23442796): 利物浦主教練克洛普賽後被問新冠肺炎疫情,當場怒噴提問的記者
- @laogao: 可防可控。 https://t.co/Ga0bdLndru
- RT @profgalloway: Teachers (and doctors) will save the world “Why is it important to wash your hands?”
Recommendation from Subscriptions
- @tualatrix: 又买了本新书《转型中的地方政府:官员激励与治理》(第二版)。在 @KindleBookDeal 上看到书名时就好奇了一下,去豆瓣搜了下:9.3 分,于是立马下单了。最近书多的看不完了…看不完才好
- @novoreorx: 向所有 macOS 用户推荐 QSpace,迄今为止最好用的 Finder Replacement。已使用一周并删掉了 Commander One Pro, TotalFinder 等老劣产品。昨天又有一大波更新,加入了批量重命名和文件堆叠(类似 Yoink)等功。我现在只想给作者再塞点钱,定价真的低了
- 「死亡搁浅」游戏产业的革新之作 – 精神病患者阅读室 这是我第一次在博客中写关于游戏的内容,以后会将游戏与影视作品等归类为流行文化的分类中去进行阐述,这个分类中的所有文章都将包含一定剂量的剧透,请酌情阅读。
- 墙人锁男 on Twitter: “中国国家地理这张照片太酷了,三峡库区一居民要离开故乡,带走了门口的一棵桃树。
- YHY | 七分飽 (@hsinyiyu_ed): 維也納一名野生動物攝影師迪克(Dick van Duijn),捕捉到難得的畫面,他一隻松鼠靠近了一朵金黃色的雛菊,捧著花朵,將鼻子湊近聞花香,不禁閉上了眼睛,陶醉無比,一臉滿足的模樣。