I have
- read 呼吸 by Ted Chiang.
- published ♯ Fix iOS App Store Family Purchase Sharing.
I shared
Git: Diff per word or character
git diff --color-words git diff --color-words=.
Useful to double check the changes in a very long line.
Array Formula Examples – Simple to Advanced
Array formula can do vector/matrix computation without storing the intermediate results in cells.
What do we do when you lose your 2FA codes?
The author recommends 2 trustworthy ways to prove you are you:
- You own a PGP/SSH private key
- You own the domain
iTerm2 has some interesting utilities. For example, it2dl/it2ul allows you transferring files in an SSH session.
@Philo2018 recommended YouTuber Alphonso Dunn to learn painting.
- Intro to Beam Sync - Jason Carver - Medium
- Beam Sync starts by executing the launch block, and only requests state data that is missing from the local database. Lazy download
- we run another process in the background which fills these gaps.
- Good times create weak men @ tonsky.me
- Knowledge does not automatically transfer to the next generation.
- In programming, we are developing abstractions at an alarming rate. When enough of those are stacked, it becomes impossible to figure out or control what’s going on down the stack.
- Software disenchantment @ tonsky.me
- Guide on how to write documentation for a Rust crate
- How to build trust on a remote team Whenever folks transition to remote work, they often ask me about accountability. How do remote managers know their people are working? And how can remote employees show their bosses that they’re getting stuff done?
- Online teaching with the iPad and GoodNotes Universities across the globe are reacting to the spread of Coronavirus and are either suspending the start of the new year or announced to teach all classes virtually until further notice.
- Apple Fixes the iPad Pro’s Biggest Problem - Lance Ulanoff - Medium
- The History of the URL
- 我在泉州隔离酒店废墟下的69小时33分
- 方方和易中天:文人的脊梁,学者的骨气
- 英国疫情,钱和那些人
- Hao Chen (@haoel): 疫情在全世界爆发后,总会看到嘲笑别国的做法的观点,觉得别国都应该来抄中国的作业。 我们前期的失误,其实是需要反思的。 而我们后期的有效,别的国家也是学不来的——体制和国情不同。 何况,这是场灾难。 不管是嘲笑别国疫情蔓延,还是猛夸自己国家棒,其实都是对灾难和逝者的亵渎。 —— 张文宏
- Recognizing Ignaz Semmelweis and Handwashing Today’s Doodle follows the official guidelines on how to properly wash your hands from the World Health Organization.
- @doitian: RT @mranti: 美国国务卿彭佩奥是自川普之后,又一个美国政客正式称呼新冠病毒为Chinese Virus。我觉得大家得记着这些名字,我们在中国抨击自己政府错误的同时,也别忘了是哪些美国人以种族主义攻击我们。我们学习和尊重美国,是因为马丁路德金、肯尼迪 …
To be, or not to be (@not_2b_or_2b): 在股票市场,一般账户里只有0-50万的人 ,会天天驾人。 50-100万的人,不怎么讲话,会专心研究股市。 100万以上的人都会很嫌虚,别人问起来都会说,我是菜乌、不怎么懂。 我刚进股市的时候很谦虚,后面慢慢开始研究股市,直到现在变的也开始骂人了
@luinlee: 每一次新 iPad 发布我都会看一下这个 issue: “今天 VS Code 支持 iPad 了吗?”
@williamwoo7: 谁是妈妈最爱的儿子?CNN主播采访扭腰州长新闻直播演变成了兄弟二人争宠吵架现场……对,没错,他们是亲兄弟我们电视台是不带干私活的