I recommended The Recognition-Primed Decision Making Model
┌ Blockchain
┌ AI
Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized
- Computers cannot handle causality because they cannot intervene in the world. They are not the part of the world.
- Human have tacit knowledge learned by examples and counter-examples.
- Deep learning has even turned out to be vulnerable to tiny changes, but real world problems take place in a changing world.
┌ Windows
┌ Management
Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture
- The owner can give this detailed account without fear of punishment or retribution.
- The owner is the most expert in their own error, and can help to avoid such error in future.
- It’s more important to understand why it happens.
Dick Costolo Warns Against Trying To Be Liked And Lionizing Silicon Valley Figures
Not leading by trying to be liked. Care for your employees, but don’t care what they think about you.
- You take action so that you stay in touch with how your team builds stuff.
- Be able to draw a detailed architectural diagram describing your product on any whiteboard at any time.
- Better communication.
┌ Economics
┌ Hardware
What’s the Bluetooth pairing button on the Magic Keyboard?
Hold ⌘W to force paring mode.
- 有人问一位加拿大神经心理学家唐纳德.赫布:“先天和后天哪个对人性影响更大?”,他是这么回答的:“哪个对矩形的面积影响更大,长度还是宽度呢?” →