I’m trying P.A.R.A after reading P.A.R.A. 是什么及在 Notion 中的应用.
┌ Programming
┌ Product
Stripe: Building a Developer Cult
Principles for creating product for developers:
- Empathy
- Make them want to spend their free time building on your product
- Make them want to start a cult for your product
- Make them your biggest fans
看了100个年入1亿的新品牌后,总结的10条反常识消费品牌创业军规 |【经纬低调分享】
- 在开始消费品创业之前,请先阅读一本经典的菲利普·科特勒的《营销管理》这本书
- 一个好的品牌,其实是创始人自己本人的哲学观、生活态度的外化
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- 协商
- 12315 投诉
- 民事诉讼
┌ Social
- Gymnasticbodies, self weight workout