
A collection of 144 articles

What I Touched This Week 2017-11-26

Maching Learning The Secret to Strong AI – Numenta Opinion: AI should be developed based on brain research. Backpropagation In Convolutional Neural Networks - DeepGrid Blockchain Slasher: A Punitive Proof-of-Stake Algorithm - Ethereum Blog Signing Privileges/Validators is determined in early blocks. Signing rewards claim is deferred. Everyone can publish conflicting signing to claim cheater finder reward. Cheater looses rewards, reporter is incentivized by the reward. Slasher 从机制上迫使要获利就要不同分支上使用相同 key 做冲突签名,由于签名几乎不可伪造,所以任何人发现冲突后都可以同时在不同的分支上举报。

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-11-19

Machine Learning What’s happening inside the Convolutional Neural Network? The answer is Convolution. RedditSota/state-of-the-art-result-for-machine-learning-problems: This repository provides state of the art (SoTA) results for all machine learning problems. Blockchain Ethereum Casper 101 – jon choi – Medium Ganache | Truffle Suite Quickly fire up a personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates.

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-11-12

A tour of Postgres Index Types B-Tree - For most datatypes and queries GIN - For JSONB/hstore/arrays which allow multiple values. GiST - For full text search and geospatial datatypes, for rows that overlap values SP-GiST - For larger datasets with natural but uneven clustering BRIN - For really large datasets that line up sequentially Hash - For equality operations, and generally B-Tree still what you want here Why We Switched from Python to Go | The Stream Blog pkg/errors: Simple error handling primitives … errcheck and megacheck are handy to avoid making these mistakes.

Updated  •  2 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-10-29

Lua C API userdata 和 light userdata Learn Redis the hard way (in production) · trivago techblog Performance tuning tips. 1% Gains for How to Increase Productivity: The Ultimate Guide – Intelligent Change Several simple actions to achive 1% gains of productivities. Error Boundaries in React 16 – Hacker Noon Try cache in React component. Coding with Clarity · An A List Apart Article Principles and examples for clarity code. Un-Hooked: Increasing Focus in the Age of Distraction - YouTube Break the loop of Trigger, Action, Reward, Investment.

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-10-14

Graylog 集中日志管理 - 日志输出 Streams: a new general purpose data structure in Redis. - antirez Redis will support stream processing. The 5 Types Of React Application State - James K Nelson A pattern to categorize Redux State. Developing a Redux Edge {Book} A book recommended if you want to learn Redux in depth. Learned from the book above, delete a key from object: const {[id]: remove,} = state; return rest;…

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-10-08

Graylog 集中日志管理 - 收集日志 Graylog 集中日志管理 - 日志处理 To make android cmd tools work with Java 9 export JAVA_OPTS="" Don’t let local VMs mess up known_hosts Host 10.211.55.* 10.37.129.* StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null How I got to 200 productive hours a month Methods to improve focus. 小记一次用 ARKit 设计和开发 Mobile AR 篮球小项目 - 少数派 AR 用户引导的设计分享 ‘Silent Start’: The Brilliant (and Surprising) Meeting Method I Learned From Amazon’s Jeff Bezos | Spend time to read stuffs in the start of a meeting. How to set syslog ident in Python Projects & Tools mattgreen/watchexec: Executes commands or restart server in response to file modifications Ping and mtr from multiple locations mattrajca/sudo-touchid: A fork of sudo with Touch ID support. Use Touch ID to authorize sudo.

Updated  •  2 min read