
A collection of 144 articles

What I Touched This Week 2017-08-06

Programming Source Directories Not Being Created In New Project – IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains Check the option, otherwise the directories must be created manually before creating Java/Kotlin new files using context menu. PostgreSQL’s Powerful New Join Type: LATERAL - Heap Blog LATERAL scopes sub SELECT with columns in preceding FROM items. It is useful to query completed associative information in one SQL. Auto raise Python Tkinter main window Qt API设计原则 (译) | 酷 壳 - CoolShell debian apt-get update:public key 错误修复 - NILYANG apt-get install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-get update Update using columns in joined table: PostgreSQL UPDATE A SET A.c1 = expresion FROM B WHERE A.c2 = B.c2; MySQL UPDATE T1, T2, [INNER JOIN | LEFT JOIN] T1 ON T1.C1 = T2. C1 SET T1.C2 = T2.C2, T2.C3 = expr WHERE condition…

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-06-03

Raymond Hettinger Modern Python Dictionaries A confluence of a dozen great ideas PyCon 2017 - YouTube Details of Python dict performance tunning. It turns out that the techniques has already used in database index. The dict saves a list of records and a componion index mapping. The Art of Lerp Frequently used linear interpolation function. Samsung’s Bizarre Emojis – Hacker Noon Samsung Emojis are not consistent with others. How to auto scroll textarea in JavaFX ♯ Resource Bundle In Intellij Tornadofx Gradle Project…

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-05-28

Bitcoin Paper Timestamps transactions by hashing them into ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work. The longest chain is the truth. Lost Garden: Game design patterns for building friendships Four key factors to build friendships Proximity: Regularly encounter each other, and it is easy to recognize one another. Similarity: Shared values, Connected. Reciprocity: Bi-directional exchanges with benefits to both parties. Disclosure: Trust by disclosing vulnerability. Friendship: person with mutually beneficial long term relationship based off trust and shared values. ashchan: 比特币、以太坊加密技术 关于比特币、以太坊区块链加密技术的分享。 How Basic Performance Analysis Saved Us Millions - Heap Blog Found out reason why postgresql index took all the CPU using flame graph. Inversion: The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You Inversion forces you to consider aspects of a situation that are often hidden at first glance.

Updated  •  2 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-05-20

我所養成的 10 個最有生產力習慣,以及我如何養成這些習慣 要有效的利用时间。通过记录清空大脑并减少下次相似事情时的成本。 Why you should totally switch to Kotlin – Magnus Vinther – Medium For me, Kotlin is powerful, and is under control not like Scala. …, and it is offically supported in Android Development. The Horror in the Standard Library libstdc++ is broken. Set GLIBCPP_FORCE_NEW, link jemalloc “Why We Didn’t Use A Framework” (Case Study) – Smashing Magazine … needed 100% control over the UX of the video call … so they choose to use vanilla JavaScript. 和 Android 相比,人工智能才是 Google 更想介绍的 :Google I/O 2017 回顾 - 少数派 主题:人工通知 产品:Google Assitant for iOS, Google Lens, Google Home, Android O, VR Headset. Firebase Costs Increased by 7,000%! – Startups & Venture Capital Due to a change in how they report data usage, our monthly costs for Firebase, a SaaS provided by Google, has increased from $25 a month to what is now moving towards the $2,000 mark — with no changes to our actual data use. This change was made without warning. Do not lock your product to 3rd party service. Make it cheap to switch services. golang IO包的妙用 - 简书 Read 和 Write 接口简单,容易组合 Gotchas when using ktor, a Kotlin web framework ktor-netty is buggy when used with ktor-websockets, use ktor-jetty instead. jetty-server should also be added as a dependencies when using ktor-jetty…

Updated  •  2 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-05-13

Cocos2D-X TTF 字体排版,如何使用 FreeType 库进行字符排版。 CPU Utilization is Wrong. Check instructions per cycle (IPC) to see whether CPU is stalled Beware of Transparent Pixels - Adrian Courrèges. Leaned bilinear filtering and color blending, and usage of premultiplied alpha. “go build” became very slow after installing a new version of Go. It saved me when I found out I have to wait for minutes when running go run after several homebrew upgrades. I event spent time to profiling my app. Programming Fixing Unicode for Ruby Developers – DaftCode Blog. How to do unicode right in Ruby. Normalize unicode before performing serious text processing. Can I execute a function after setState is finished updating?. Function setState can accepts a callback which will be invoked after stage is really changed and DOMs are updated.

Updated  •  1 min read