
A collection of 144 articles

What I Touched This Week 2017-05-09

macOS 如何在全屏 App 或拥挤的桌面间便捷拖动文件 - 少数派。不使用第三方软件的文件拖动技巧。 A serious bug in GCC | Andrzej’s C++ blog. Destructor not invoked when exception thrown in constructor/initializer Prepack · Partial evaluator for JavaScript. Expand computations at compile-time. Put your Electron app on a diet with Electrino – DailyJS – Medium. It provides a framework similar with Electron but with less size by reusing system web browser engine. Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses? : programming。 It prevents JSON hijacking . 云风的 BLOG: 用 gdb 分析 coredump 的一些技巧. Gdb 以及 skynet 和 lua C 层调试技巧和一些底层介绍。 email - Mail Rules using JavaScript for Automation instead of AppleScript - Stack Overflow function performMailActionWithMessages(messages) { messages.forEach( function(message) { // if you want to iterate }) };…

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2017-04-24

Programming Functional programming design patterns by Scott Wlaschin - YouTube. Introduction to basic concepts in FP. Working Of Yarn and npm – Rajan Tiwari – Medium. Why yarn is better than npm. Hard-won lessons: Five years with Node.js | Scott Nonnenberg. Tips and gotchas. NASA’s 10 Coding Rules for Writing Safety Critical Program - RankRed. Good references. Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. Performance Tuning Performance test frameworks: Gatling Load and Performance testing using Java, and Locust using Python. Android performance tool: Tegra Graphics Debugger from NVIDIA and Snapdragon Profiler from Qualcomm. Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale and how to improve Infinite List and React. The performance metric Flame Graphs used in the post, and chrome addons for React performance test Game Development Quaternion Rotation - YouTube. Explanation of Quaternion. Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine. Yet another game engine.

Updated  •  2 min read