
A collection of 144 articles

What I Touched This Week 2016-10-22

Programming How to write terraform provider plugin. Read the brief official documentation. Follow this vsphere plugin to see sample main.go and builtin vms provider as the reference. Must read files: provider.go and resource_aws_instance.go. My project is terraform provider ucloud. 云风的 BLOG: 继续谈网络游戏的同步问题 分两个 model 分别同步共享状态和私有状态。如果出现冲突服务器将修正的操作的参数再通知回客户端。 Lessons Learned from Scaling Uber to 2000 Engineers, 1000 Services, and 8000 Git repositories - High Scalability -. Introduce the micro services architecture in Uber, the cons and pros and experience. How to correctly use context.Context in Go 1.7 – Medium How to use context and how to not abuse context values. go - Separating unit tests and integration tests in GoLang (testify) - Stack Overflow The difference of using build flag integration and short test flag is that: integration build flag does not run integration test by default, and short flag will run all tests. Game Development Scott Brodie (@brodiegames) tweets about builtin support of circular UIs in Unity NGUI三大基础机制 NGUI 渲染底层的一些分享…

Updated  •  2 min read