
A collection of 144 articles

What I Touched This Week 2018-10-07

Code Must Be Clean. And Clear. The kitchen is clean when there is no dirt in the oven. But if its electric panel speaks French, I can’t use the kitchen. Even if it’s perfectly clean. It’s not clear how to use it—that’s why it’s useless. Resistant protocols: How decentralization evolves – John Backus – Medium Introduce the history of how file sharing protocols evolved. 随谈:软件架构师与数学的关系 软件架构师最重要的一项能力是解决问题,数学同时提供了思路和技巧。 有目标地收集信息,打造个人灵感库 |《灵感从何而来》读书笔记 - 少数派 有目标的收集竞品和相似产品,挖掘原因和模式…

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2018-09-23

An empirical analysis of anonymity in Zcash | the morning paper Code Review from the Command Line - Bits, Bytes, and Words Code Review using Vim How we organize a complex Rust codebase Adventures in Rust: Futures and Tokio · Bryan Gilbert’s Blog Future is essentially a state machine that does nothing until it’s actively polled. Additionally as futures are composed using combinators such as map and join, we are actually building a more elaborate state machine, not manipulating the result of something that is already running somewhere.

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2018-09-15

区块链与下水道维修艺术 - 橙皮书 类比城市下水道系统 成一定规模之后再考虑优化 分层 和商业活动建立联系 Repeat yourself, do more than one thing, and… — programming is terrible Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction. — Sandi Metz When a unit has no rules about what code cannot be included, it will eventually contain larger and larger amounts of the system. This is eternally true of every module named ‘util’, and why almost everything in a Model-View-Controller system ends up in the controller. 15 Best Ways to Achieve Flow | CoderHood Collect all the information you need ahead of time. I found that worries and anxieties go away for the duration of a coding session if I write them down with the clear intent of getting back to it later. 吴恩达:我的AI商业化方法论 - 量子位 现在在线内容非常丰富了,一个首席学习官(Chief Learning Officer)的工作,不是去创造内容,而是选择内容给团队学习。这样,就能低成本高效培训整个团队。

Updated  •  1 min read

What I Touched This Week 2018-08-26

Blockchain 区块链和 P2P 网络 Bitcoin 和 Ethereum 网络的区别,并介绍了日蚀攻击 Why Blockchain is Hard – Jimmy Song – Medium It is hard to upgrade. Token Engineering Case Studies – Ocean Protocol How to design token using objective function and optimization methodology. 简评三个基于 VRF 的共识算法 - 简书 VRF 可验证的随机算法,被广泛运用于 PoS 项目中选取出块节点 Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 2: Truffle, Ganache, Geth and Mist) Programming Elegant Library APIs in Rust - Pascal’s Scribbles How to alleviate the pain of Rust compile times shell - Why does sudo ignore aliases? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Expand alias following command such as sudo, proxychains. Rust lifetime elision rules Rust Lifetime subtyping…

Updated  •  2 min read