
A collection of 5 articles

Keystroke Sequence Shortcuts in Mac OS X

It is a headache to find an available keyboard shortcuts in Mac OS X. I used Option + Letter and Shift + Option + Letter before, since they are preserved for inputting special characters. It has some problems: Emacs and terminal require a modifier for Meta. I chose Command. It means if I want to use application shortcut with Command in these applications, such as Command+Q to quit the application, I have to use the right one. I always forget the shortcuts. Although I have listed them in a sheet, it is a pain to keep it synchronized with the shortcuts defined every where. I switched to a new solution using keystroke sequence shortcuts recently. All my global shortcuts start with Command+M (⌘M). A menu is displayed when I typed prefix. If I forget the shortcut, I just need to glance through the menu.

Updated  •  3 min read

Auto Toggle MacBook Internal Keyboard

I prefer using external keyboard with my MacBook. When no external monitors are used, a typical setup is placing the keyboard above the internal one, so I can still use the internal touchpad. But sometimes the external keyboard may press some keys of the internal keyboard. There is a solution to disable the internal keyboard, but it is tedious to run the command manually. # Disable, ignore the warning sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBTopCase.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBTCKeyboard.kext/ # Enable sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBTopCase.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBTCKeyboard.kext/ Fortunately, Keyboard Maestro supports executing scripts when a USB device is attached or detached.

Updated  •  1 min read