
Making a list of numbers

  • :put =range(11,15)
  • g CTRL-A

⚡ TextExpand in Vim

Expand when just switching to the insert mode, type CTRL-v first then type the snippet abbreviation.

⚡ Fix Visual Highlight

hi Visual ctermfg=255 ctermbg=31 guibg=LightGrey

⚡ Remove Duplicated Lines

:sort u

⚡ Terminal

Special in the terminal window:			*t_CTRL-W_.*  *t_CTRL-W_N*
	CTRL-W .	send a CTRL-W to the job in the terminal
	CTRL-W CTRL-\	send a CTRL-\ to the job in the terminal
	CTRL-W N	go to Terminal-Normal mode, see |Terminal-mode|
	CTRL-\ CTRL-N   go to Terminal-Normal mode, see |Terminal-mode|
	CTRL-W " {reg}  paste register {reg}		*t_CTRL-W_quote*
			Also works with the = register to insert the result of
			evaluating an expression.
	CTRL-W CTRL-C	ends the job, see below |t_CTRL-W_CTRL-C|
	CTRL-W gt	go to next tabpage, same as `gt`	*t_CTRL-W_gt*
	CTRL-W gT	go to previous tabpage, same as `gT`	*t_CTRL-W_gT*

⚡ Vim, Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File


set nofixendofline


set bin noeol

⚡️ Vim, Load Tags in Location List
